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发布日期:2018-09-21    点击:
姓名 戚玉华
学历/学位 研究生/博士
职称/职务 副教授
联系电话 0531-82767933
电子邮箱 chm_qiyh@ujn.edu.cn
主讲课程 化工制图 化工仪表及自动化
科研方向: 化工 化学反应机理 物质的结构
科研成果及奖励(包括项目、专利、鉴定等)(2005年以来): 2009年 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国博士基金:有机硅中间体的结构和反应的研究XBS0924
教学成果与奖励(2005年以来): 2011年项目式化工仪表与自动化教学的实践HG200906
1、2009年 化工制图教学探讨;伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国学报社会版
2、2009年《化工仪表及自动化》项目式教学方法探讨, 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国学报自然版
3、2010年 化工制图课程案例教学法的探索与实践,伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国学报社会版
4、2014年 化工仪表及自动化课程教学探讨  伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国学报社会版
代表性论文(2005年以来): 1. Yuhua Qi, Dacheng Feng , Shengyu Feng. Theoretical study on the addition reactions of silylenoids H2SiLiX (X = F, Cl) to formaldehyde[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2008, 856:96-104(SCI)
2. Yuhua Qi, Dacheng Feng , Rui Li, Shengyu Feng. Theoretical study on the substitution and insertion reactions of silylenoid H2SiLiF with CH3XHn_1 (X = F, Cl, Br, O, N; n = 1, 1, 1, 2, 3) [J]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry,2009, 94:771-779(SCI)
3. Yuhua Qi, Zonggang Mu, Dacheng Feng. Theoretical studies on the pentacoordinate silylenoid PhCH2(NH2)CH3SiLiF[J]. [J] Struct Chem (2010) 21:123–129(SCI)
4. Yuhua Qi, Dacheng Feng, Shengyu Feng. Insertion reactions of the p-complex structure of silylenoid into C–X bonds (X = F, Cl, Br, O, and N) [J] Struct Chem (2010) 21:879–884(SCI)
5. Yuhua Qi, Zonggang Mu, Dacheng Feng.The isomeric structures and stability of pentacoordinate silylenoid PhCH2(OH)CH3SiLiF[J].Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 953 (2010) 49–54(SCI)
6. Y. Qi,D. Feng The structures and stability of pentacoordinate germylenoid PhCH2(OH)CH3GeLiF  Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry ,Volume 85, Number 6, June 2011  pp:1001-1008 (SCI)
7. Yuhua Qi, Zhonghe Chen, Ping Li DFT studies on the insertion reactions of silylenoid into Si–X bonds (X = F, Cl, Br)Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 969 (2011) 61–65 (SCI)
8.Yuhua Qi, Bing Geng and Zhonghe Chen The structures and stability of pentacoordinate germylenoid PhCH2(NH2)CH3GeLiF   Structural Chemistry, 2011, Volume 22, Number 4, Pages 917-924(SCI)
9. Yuhua Qi, Bing Geng and Zhonghe Chen The insertion reactions of the p-complex silylenoid H2SiLiF with Si-X (X=F, Cl, Br, O, N) bonds Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2012, Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 1015-1021(SCI)
10. Yuhua Qi ,Jing Ma,Chongjuan Xu , Bing Geng ,Maoxia He. Computational investigations on the electronic and structural properties of the unsaturated silylenoid HP SiLiF. J Mol Model (2014) 20:2213(SCI)
11. Yuhua Qi, Chongjuan Xu, Jing Ma, BingGeng & Maoxia He Theoretical study on the substitutionreactions of fluorosilylenoid H2SiLiF withSiH3XH n−1 (X = F, Cl, Br, O, N; n = 1, 1,
1, 2, 3) Struct Chem (2014) 25:1147-1152 DOI 10.1007/s11224-013-0389-8(SCI)
  Copyright?伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国 All rights reserved.2019
地址:山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国(逸夫科学楼)
电话:0531-82765475 邮箱:rao_wangg@ujn.edu.cn